5 ways student loan benefits are making an impact on recruitment and retention Discover how innovative student loan benefits are transforming recruitment and retention strategies.
Know Boundaries Uses Dolr to Grow Employee Satisfaction A right-sized student loan repayment benefit provides a win for both the startup founders and their team members As an early-stage, self-funded startup, Know Boundaries needed an affordable and effective way to provide value to current and prospective employees. By offering student loan repayment benefits, they’ve shown their team
Podcast Recap: Dolr CEO Naveed Iqbal talks student loans on the Transform your Workplace podcast Only 17% of U.S. employers offer student loan repayment assistance, which is straight up bananas. (Not to mention that some of those existing programs don’t offer any actual cash)
Student loan benefits: what do they actually cost? Offering new benefits can be a lot. You've done all the legwork to figure out your teams student loan burdens and designed the perfect program to attract, retain, and engage top talent. Now you're ready to start looking at the numbers.
6 Reasons Why Employers Should Offer Student Loan Benefits We asked experts all over the country what the top reason for offering student loan benefits is. We were totally blown away by the number and variety in responses.
How to get student loan benefits from work Employers are in a great position to pay employee’s student loans. Here’s how you can present a loan repayment assistance program to your employer — and convince them it’s a great idea.
What is a winning modern benefits package? Take note. It’s no secret, work norms have been turned on their head. People are leaving jobs at an astonishing rate in search of workplaces that align with their life and goals. Recruiting and retaining top talent has never been harder [https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/06/21/americans-are-quitting-their-jobs-in-droves&