Dolr is for you

Dolr is for you

Hi Friend,

Zell Capital announced their investment in Dolr today and to mark this special occasion I'd like to share a brief update about how we're building Dolr for you.

At Dolr we are on a mission to lower financial barriers to education. Our belief, supported by data, is that a disconnect exists between the cost of education and how society rewards it.

Education is valuable. We live in a knowledge economy and need to continue to evolve. How we deliver and price education needs to be adapted.

At a minimum, the average graduate of higher education has invested 4 years and tens of thousands of dollars to attain a degree. In return they expect a strong return on investment so they can achieve their goals, financial and otherwise, faster and more enjoyably. They want to live their best lives and they want to make a difference doing it. They invest both time and money and they expect a return in both.

At Dolr we are realizing our mission by solving the biggest issue right now: there are millions of people with student debt that are not being appropriately rewarded by society for their investment in education. We help those people, our community members, accelerate to $0 student debt by connecting them with extra cash  from where they work, shop, and live so they can make more frequent and larger payment to their student loans.

The action we've chosen is to attack existing debt. This ensures we make a practical, immediate impact while our longer term efforts to balance the disconnect between the cost of education and how society rewards it play out. We are committed to tackling this problem for at least the next decade.

We go to work everyday to uplift our community financially, emotionally, and societally. Every member of the Dolr team makes the pledge below so we never loose sight of our goal to uplift you.

We uplift our members financially, emotionally, and societally.

Financial: Debt is a financial burden. Using our technologies we want to accelerate the members of our community to $0 debt. We want to empower them to make the best decisions. We want to give them the best information presented in the best possible way for their understanding. We want to reduce their cognitive burden. We want to help them be smarter. We want to make it easier for them to form micro-habits to incrementally accelerate them to $0 debt. And we want to make all of this cheap and easy for them.

Emotional: Debt is an emotional burden. Using our technologies we want to uplift the members of our community emotionally. We want to empower them to live their best lives both while they pay their debt and after. We want them to feel safe and in control. We want to reduce their stress and increase their happiness. We want to make them more confident. And we want them to trust themselves and to trust us.

Societal: Debt is a societal burden. The more indebted members of society are the more we are inhibited from true growth and continued evolution. Using our technologies we want to empower society to help the members of the Dolr community accelerate to $0 debt. This extends from individuals, to groups of individuals organized into communities, to businesses and corporations, and to the governments we elect. Everyone has their part to play. The financial and emotional burdens are shared in spirit. We can empower society to share and reduce them in practice.

If you are already a member of the Dolr community: Thank you. I am so grateful for your support and partnership as we build and refine Dolr for you.

If you are not yet a member of the Dolr community: we welcome you to join us on this journey and accelerate to $0 student debt.


Naveed Iqbal, Co-founder and CEO at Dolr